A review by mary_soon_lee
Cast in Peril by Michelle Sagara West, Michelle Sagara


This is the eighth novel in the fantasy series "The Chronicles of Elantra," a series that I'm enjoying very much. The books have a very likable heroine, very likable recurring supporting characters, strong found-family and friendship themes, intriguing magic and worldbuilding, high stakes, and some notably dark content. I think the books would be best read in order, because later books have comparatively little recapitulation of previous events.

I enjoyed "Cast in Peril" very much. Spoilers ahead.
SpoilerThe Hallionnes are a splendid new addition. Kaylin is as likable as ever. Severn is as wonderful as ever, though less prominent than in most of the books. I particularly liked the extra history given to Teela's character. I love how each new book builds on the content from earlier volumes. I love how Kaylin slowly matures without losing the core of what makes her Kaylin. I found several parts of this very moving.

I note that the book ends with the current plot arc still unresolved, making it less self contained than most of the entries in the series.

Four and a half out of five West-Marching stars.

About my reviews: I try to review every book I read, including those that I don't end up enjoying. The reviews are not scholarly, but just indicate my reaction as a reader, reading being my addiction. I am miserly with 5-star reviews; 4 stars means I liked a book very much; 3 stars means I liked it; 2 stars means I didn't like it (though often the 2-star books are very popular with other readers and/or are by authors whose other work I've loved).