A review by amberisalwaysreading86
Beautiful Graves by L.J. Shen


This book is LJ Shen at her best. I could sense after the first few chapters that she'd dug deep to bring these characters to life.

Beautiful Graves tackles the intricacies of love,loss,and grief in a way that is both beautiful,and haunting.
Everlynne,our heroine is such a deeply emotional character,and the mental self-flagellation she practices hits so close to home when one has also felt the impact of a monumental loss.
Ever is flawed and floundering for much of the novel,blaming herself for her mother's death, and allowing her self hatred to color every facet of the life she barely leads.
Her humanity is what both repels and draws the reader in,and what ultimately leads to hope for a change in circumstances.

Joe is the hero of our story, but he's also the dark horse. The forgotten younger son,the healthy sibling who bore the burden to live while his brother was tasked with surviving.
His need to be seen,to be chosen in his own right,was so relatable. So refreshing to see depicted from the perspective of a male character. I adored him,I felt for him the entire duration of the book.

I love that reading this book made me take a look at what it means to truly live,and love fully.
The quality of our lives and our experiences may simply come down to our choosing to see them as grand,as special,as worthwhile.

I'll be thinking of Joe and Ever's story for days to come.
It couldn't have been more thought -provoking,or original.