A review by kerveros
The Weavers of Saramyr by Chris Wooding


When I first read this book it was a five star read, since then I have re-read it so many times it is probably a four star read - but as this is the first time reading whilst on this site it gets the full five stars.

I think Chris Wooding was one of my favourite authors as a teenager, I really like his writing style though I can see why, in this book, people dislike it because it can be almost overly descriptive. The best way to describe this books setting is as a kind of feudal Japan or China with 'magic'. Considering how many books or shows take Asian influence to give a touch of the exotic this book never seems to use it in that light. The mythos within the book reminds me of the little I have heard of Asian and even Greek/Roman mythology - it is perhaps not necessary in some places (such as explaining about the abandoned incestuous goddess) but it helps to shape the world.

I really like the way this book (well the series) twists and turns, the major twists are memorable but the minor ones tend to slip your mind meaning re-reads are still interesting. The characters are quite realistic, I think my favourite has to be Mishani - the way her character develops seems to be the most natural, though Asara is by far the most interesting.