A review by redinteeth
Deadline by Chris Crutcher


Real Rating: 3.8/5 Stars

It's really, really hard for me to not give this book 4/5 stars. I found it in my school library a few days ago, picked it up, put it down, and then came back the next day to grab it. It's one of those books that stuck in my mind after reading it, a trait I usually give 4 stars to in a book.

Funny, quirky, and an interesting take on the end-of-life scenario, this book seems to have everything. In fact, it's almost hard for me to say anything bad about it.

But here it is: The football focus.

Not a reason to stop me from recommending this book, but there where so many lingering descriptions of random plays and practices that I found myself skimming over paragraphs. I hate skimming over paragraphs.

Maybe someone more educated on football would find this more enjoyable, but I felt like it really made some parts tedious.


X Funny. I found myself reading lines of the book out loud to friends just because they where quirky.

X Characters who talk like teens talk. Always a plus in YA. I was worried that with the "real" subject matter, the dialogue was going to be ridiculous.

X A happy-sad book.

X Protagonist who changes over the course of the book, and creates change within the secondary characters.


X Lengthy descriptions of football scenes.

X Random connection between events. I don't really remember hearing about Rudy and then BAM, random chapters with him in it. This happened with a few other things in the book. The transitions aren't always so smooth.

X "Read this book" references the entire time.

RECOMMENDED TO: Fans of If I Stay, Speak, etc.

OVERALL, I really enjoyed this book. I kept waiting for the book to get sad, and when it did, it was the good kind of sad that makes me happy I read the book. Definitely pleased with it, though I'm not sure I'd want to re-read it immediately.