A review by missyjohnson
The Mask of Fu Manchu by Sax Rohmer, Sax Rohmer


Shan Greville is an associate of sir Lionel Barton, and engaged to marry his niece Rima. They are archeologists and steal antiquities that they find……..and Dr Fu Manchu wants what they have. This book was written in the late 1920’s and so much that we consider politically incorrect now was just the way that it was in the book. They discover some artifacts in Egypt that the Mohammedans want…….. the story started out ok but became bogged down in the narrative. Shan engaged to Rima bur Dr Fu Manchu has a beautiful daughter that is attracted to Shan…. I had to suspend belief in some parts to know that the evil doctor has mysteriously was to sneak into and out of places and the drugs that he develops that cause amnesia and complete obedience etc. they did explain all of this away at the end by says that he was a part of the “underworld”. Totally noir Glad that i read it but won’t read any more in the series