A review by ipross
The Stranger by D.L. Duncan, Rosanna Leo, Arthur M. Harper, Jennifer Johnson, Denise A. Agnew, L. Bowen, Joan Blackheart, Jessica Cale, Justin Thoby, Sarah Elliot, Courtney Butler, Quenby Olson


Wow. First let me say that of all the authors listed, I was only familiar with Rosanna Leo's work. So it was great reading stories from authors I was passingly familiar with but had not really read their work before. I'm one of those annoying readers who can guess who the bad guy is halfway through a book, which is why I don't read mystery or thrillers very often. Story after story, this anthology kept surprising me. I made the mistake of starting it when I went to bed. I say mistake because I could not put it down.

Familiar only with Rosanna Leo's romance work, I was totally unprepared for what I read. Whereas I found Marianne to be a very sad character, possibly in need of grief therapy, just looking for something or someone to connect with, my feelings on Edward were the complete opposite. I found Edward sweet with a healthy dose of creepy. Who knew Leo's mind could be so dark and creepy? I love it!