A review by mommasaystoread
Memory Lane by Ellen Goodlett, Sara Shepard


Memory Lane has an intriguing premise, and I found myself really enjoying the read almost immediately. There is the futuristic tech that would fall under science fiction, but other than that, I would say this one is more a psychological thriller. There are many twists and turns - enough to keep the pages turning all the way through. Right up to the end, and that's where I had problems. I would call it a cliffhanger, which it is technically, but it kind of feels like an open ending, maybe even speculative. It feels a bit abrupt to me, and maybe it's my need to have things tied up in a neat little bow, but this ending just didn't work for me. There were way too many loose ends along with a couple of threads that felt like they just fizzled out and were left to dangle. So, what I ended up with was a really good story with a really disappointing end. I did like the rest of the book enough that I'd definitely check out a sequel if there is one, sp there's that.