A review by sjeast17
The Tempered Steel of Antiquity Grey by Shawn Speakman


Antiquity was born a Grey, shamed for the actions of her great-grandmother. All she wants is to remove the shame and reclaim her family name, Angelus. When she uncovers the lost mech in the desert she discovers many secrets as well. Her grandmother, Vestige, does all she can to protect her and her future. Through numerous losses, Antiquity walks the path her great-grandmother and grandmother so carefully paved to reclaim their lost name, heritage, and strength.

What can I say? I simply loved this book! Now I don't read a lot of science fiction and I'm working to rectify that but this book is a little more than science fiction. It includes a bit of fantasy with the dragons of the persai and a sword-wielding Will Master. It definitely gave me some early Star Wars vibes. The story is set on Erth, a future Earth (perhaps post-apocalyptic), where former Erth inhabitants called Celestials have returned from Space and rule with an iron fist.

Antiquity is a wonderful character, both honorable and stubborn. Antiquity is a female character I can get behind and cheer on! I wanted her to reclaim her family name and cast off the tarnish of being Grey Shamed. I wanted her to be able to bond fully with her great grandmother's mech. As with each triumph, there is also tragedy that she endures and she does it stoically. Through losses and challenges she keeps fighting with her friends, old and new, beside her. She has her loyal friends, Elsana and Kaihli, who support her in their different ways. Manson Dreath is a constant source of frustration and tension for Antiquity but he also represents another side of her. There is the wise Will Master, Sadiya, who is also an outcast like Antiquity. She also has Chekker, the ever faithful bot charged with keeping her safe. Together they look for the secret her great-grandmother hid and the way to overthrow the Celestials.

I look forward to reading the next book of her story.