A review by caseroo7
Dirty Love by Meghan March


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Dirty Love is the second book in the Dirty Girl Duet by Meghan March. These books are not standalone stories though and need to be read in order. If you read the Dirty Billionaire Trilogy you will recognize Greer as Creighton's sister. But you do not need to have read that trilogy to enjoy this duet. Just make sure you have read Dirty Girl before diving into Dirty Love.

Dirty Love picks up right where the cliffhanger in Dirty Girl left off. Greer has just discovered that Cav is Creighton's half brother (Greer and Cav are in no way related!) and that he has been lying to her since they have known one another. Hurt and not knowing what to do, Greer leaves Cav in Belize. But Cav walked away from Greer once and is determined to do whatever it takes to keep Greer forever this time, even if it means he has to fight dirty.

Greer and Cav had just as much heat here as they did in Dirty Girl. I loved how hot they were, and I couldn't get enough of them. These two just had so much chemistry that it was impossible for them to be around one another and the sparks not to fly. They had also developed a strong connection though, and that felt true throughout this entire story. I hated that Cav hadn't been honest with Greer from the beginning and I definitely don't support him not telling her the truth. However, I do understand where he was coming from and the fact that he believed he was protecting her. The one thing I will say though is that I really felt like things were smoothed over far too easily here. I wanted to see Cav grovel a bit more, and I really felt like Greer let him get away with everything much easier than I would have or hoped she would have.

Overall, this was a great conclusion to their story and even the small criticism I had with the conflict wasn't enough to keep me from loving this one. I truly have loved this whole world from Meghan March since the beginning of Holly and Creighton's story, and I never want to leave! There are several characters in this duet that I hope get their own stories, and I will be anxious to see if Meghan March will write them. Meghan March is a fantastic writer, and I can't wait to read whatever she writes next. If you are new to her, she is definitely one you need to check out and I highly recommend the Dirty Girl Duet as well as the Dirty Billionaire Trilogy!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**