A review by bookscomics
Drawings by Nanette Vonnegut, Kurt Vonnegut, Peter Reed


I completely agree with Peter Reed when he writes in his essay, a preamble to Vonnegut’s drawings, that he thinks this book “may lead to a deeper understanding of [Vonnegut’s] personality and add insight into his fiction.” The surrealist, abstract, cubist drawings (doodles, art???) are windows into the perspective and thoughts of Vonnegut. They’re playful and colorful, at times straightforward, at times complex. They were also eerie and dark at times (referring to the “lines” section, mostly). Reed also mentioned that as Vonnegut started having trouble with his writing, he began to draw more often. There are constraints in writing, as in not being able to capture a thought, concept, or scene appropriately enough. Vonnegut used art as a way to reach those complex, intangible thoughts and ideas that couldn’t be expressed so easily in writing.

This book is broken up into sections according to what kind of drawing it is. I grew enamored with these sections: self-portraits, women, letters, and looking at things .

Overall, really great and impressive. Made me want to doodle. I have been doodling, actually. The drawings were a lot more ambitious than what I expected since I was accustomed to the doodles found in his books. Also made me love Vonnegut even more. How talented can one human be!?