A review by megansabode
Scythe by Neal Shusterman


Overall, this book was amazing. I loved the relationship that bloomed between Citra and Rowan, which I won’t go into too much detail as I want this review to be spoiler-free.

I don’t have any problems with the book really at all. It was a fun read, was a little slow at the start but really picked up at the end and made it for a great 200-pages speed run at the end.

The only reason that this isn’t a five star read is that the ending was amazing, and I hope it’ll lead on to the next book perfectly, but it didn’t scream out at me. It didn’t make my jaw drop.

And yes, that last journal entry was amazing and really shined through and the very last part at the end was immaculate, but it didn’t really give what I was going for. I was actually quite troubled when there was 10 pages left and the main problem hadn’t been fully resolved yet.

The plot twists were actually quite foreseeable, apart from two of them, but explaining them would show spoilers.

Those are the only things that held me back from it being a five star, I think I would give it a 4.46 rating if it was more flexible.

Overall, it’s an amazing read that really gives insight into the mortal world and shows how much this society would rock us to our core.