A review by postitsandpens
The Hero's Guide to Being an Outlaw by Christopher Healy


While I didn't enjoy this one quite as much as the previous two, this is still a romping good time. I tried the audiobook this go 'round, and enjoyed it, although some of the voices/accents the narrator was using made it hard to understand what was being said, so I had to also read physically from the book at times. I also didn't love how the League was so divisive - they spend large amounts of time away from each other, or split into teams - due to infighting and arguing. The Princes were my favorite of the groups to follow, and had the best character development, and I'm glad things were figured out in the end, but didn't love how long it took to get them all there. Nonetheless, this book is still laugh-out-loud funny, with over the top action and adventure. Frederick is my favorite of the princes (and has the most character growth imo), and I really grew to love Briar as well. I wouldn't mind having more of these books in the future, but am happy with its ending.