A review by purplepages
Batman/The Shadow: The Murder Geniuses by Steve Orlando, Scott Snyder, Riley Rossmo


Many thanks to DC Entertainment for this eARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

I have finished this some time last year and didn't know how to review it. Unfortunately, I wasn't a big fan of it. I love Batman and have love the different iterations of his story. I thought this was a good and interesting take to his story.

However, my issue really was with how his story intertwinned with the Shadow's. Might be my lack of familiarity with this specific character or the way he was written which is what made me not enjoy this character.

Also, I had a little bit of a problem with the villain, The Stag. What the fuck is he doing? His purpose is unclear to me. Villains with a clear purpose and reason for doing the shit that they're doing make a compelling antagonist - this is not the case for The Stag. I could not understand why he repeats the same shit over and over again. Why? Like really? Am I the only idiot for not knowing? I love Scott Snyder. I love his Batman works, so far, except this one.