A review by melinda_and_her_books
Float Plan by Trish Doller


Thank you Netgalley and St. Martins Press for my gifted copy of this beautiful story.

I started reading this book while sitting in the pool while my kids swam. Sitting in the water made me feel like I was actually on the sailboat which made this a perfect book to read during the summer.

Throughout the book Anna is dealing with the grief of losing her fiancé to suicide. Even though Ben and Anna had planned a sailing trip together and he wasn't around anymore Anna decides to go on it anyways. The only thing is that she has never sailed a boat on her own before and she soon realizes that she is in over her head.

Anna ends up hiring Keane to help her sail the boat and they begin to realize that they are both healing from different types of grief.

I loved the adventures of Anna and Keane in this sweet story.