A review by mschlat
The Complete Ballad of Halo Jones by Alan Moore


A perfectly serviceable Alan Moore science fiction read. We follow our eponymous heroine through three chapters of her life: living on the Hoop (an off-shore dumping habitat for the poor), serving as a hostess on a space cruiser, and fighting in a war. There are interesting concepts aplenty (including some allusions to [b:The Forever War|21611|The Forever War (The Forever War, #1)|Joe Haldeman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1386852511s/21611.jpg|423]), but because of the episodic nature (reprints from 2000 AD), it doesn't quite all gel.

However, big thumbs up for Ian Gibson's artwork --- his pencils are light and airy when they need to be, yet great at depicting the outer space settings. The female characters look real and varied, and the war sequences are frenetic and horrifying.