A review by starrianna
The Autoimmune Solution: Prevent and Reverse the Full Spectrum of Inflammatory Symptoms and Diseases by Amy Myers


A lot of helpful information and points in this book. I think it's probably best to work with this book in tandem with your own primary or specialist if you're able, but mostly to take it with a grain of salt (sea salt only!).

If you have ADHD/ASD/ND, then I suggest taking this book VERY slowly. This book was NOT written for NDs in mind, and may be overwhelming and feel quite doom and gloom/all or nothing, but there IS helpful information in here.

She stresses the 30 day purging process of eliminating all the "no no" foods from your diet to see if you experience improvement and then adding things in slowly to see if you have a negative response. This is not always physically or financially doable, and she really misses the mark on addressing that and in offering up an alternative.

So, for any of my fellow NDs or anyone with chronic illness, I suggest doing what you can where you can, and not getting caught up that you're not all the way to a goal, or not sticking to the plan 100%. Can you piecemeal a better holistic diet for yourself? Can you cut down on the "no no" foods and ingredients or upgrade the quality where you can? Focus more on looking for those opportunities of improvement/replacement and on always trying to improve, especially if you're not able to do her advised 30 day plan. That is still progress, it's still helping your body, and that is amazing.

Take notes on what stands out to you if you're able. Turn what she says into bullet points for later, jot down your own ideas as you go - try not to internalize what she is saying. Your health isn't all or nothing - the in between matters too. This book has so much great information in it, so if you're able to see it objectively and not get drowned in it, I think you'll find some benefit and good ideas.