A review by jagussow
The Amazing Spider-Man: Big Time - The Complete Collection, Vol. 3 by Dan Slott, Mark Waid, Christopher Yost


I will always love the smaller stories. Felicia being framed. The return of Morbieus. A fun glimpse into the future. But the big event here is ...Doc Ock and the Sinister Six have a dastardly plan to ...checks notes...stop global warming. This leads to yet another new suit for Spidey and a team up first with the Avengers and then Silver Sable and then the remaining B listers as Doc Ock puts a final, master plan into motion.

They've been building towards a plan from the Sinister Six for over 50 issues, so I get it will be a big event but it did kind of drag at the end. It could have been an issue shorter and some lag time trimmed.

The art, as always, is top notch. The last volume ended with two of Spidey's exes meeting up to discuss the problems of dating a superhero and honestly my biggest gripe is that we never see that conversation. I figured of it wasn't in the last volume we wouldn't see it but I held out hope.