A review by kriff08
Angel & Faith: Lost and Found by Victor Gischler, Will Conrad, Joss Whedon


O I feel so bad giving this the one star treatment but I have my reasons- which I will now list.

1. Riley and Faith should never be allowed in a room together after the events in Buffy season 4. It's a loaded 'relationship' to say the least and unless you're seriously ready to tackle it its best left alone. I mean in Riley's shoes I'd really feel abused and what happens in this book is far from what I feel 'repairs' things between these two characters. Not pleased this got dredged up at all.

2. Everything is written like your just getting into the action... And then you switch characters.... And somehow you don't end up getting into the story at all.

2.5. This is the longest it's ever taken me to read one of these. I was halfway through and totally capable of putting it down for a week.

3. Blah. I mentioned I couldn't get into this but the characters also just weren't there. Nadria, who was a feisty potential with her own share of issues back in the day is suddenly some zen hoodoo mama with sage advice and it's sooooo bland. Angel is running around threatening to beat people up- like he has no brain. Faith is probably the most complete trying on her leadership pants but still sorely lacking in the Faith range of emotions I've come to expect. Who is the cop guy? Yeah I don't care- similar response Mai and investor lady.

4. Amy what a let down!!! If you're gonna bring back old villains again you at least need to make it worth it!!! Ugh disappointed in you Amy.

5. Cliffhanger ending- I read that only to get to another cliffhanger ending?!?!? Ps the last cliffhanger ending from book one? Yeah the fire with the nuns. Barely even mentioned! How many cliffs you expecting me to hang off of here?!?! Basically this books gets you nowhere you weren't already at with book 1. Ugh just filled with disappointment when this series was so great last season!

Ok that's part of my rant. A small frustrated and disappointed part. Now for ending on a positive note or two.

1. I liked the art. Very clean and technical in places- I like it. Great compositions, very dynamic, characters very realistic.

2. The sketchbook section was great. I like reading the thoughts behind the covers and really enjoyed the artist's voice there-ps I find the cover art stunning also