A review by justin_zigenis
Fathers and Crows by William T. Vollmann


Fathers and Crows starts with the best dedication I’ve ever read:

“This book is dedicated to all Canadians, past and present, Jesuit and Iroquois; Huron, French, Algonkin, English, Montagnais, Micmac, Inuit and others. May they preserve their land together.

This book is dedicated against all dogmatists and their armies (in which some of the above may have enlisted). Whoever they are, I cordially wish them a warm stay in Hell.
—The Author”

From the get go I’ll admit I had preconceptions about whom these dogmatists were, and for the most part my assumptions proved correct. However bias I may be, William The Blind opened my eyes to a number of viewpoints I had yet to consider.

Sprawling, bloody, heartbreaking, maddening, thought provoking, etc., all the ingredients for an epic move bound to haunt me for a long time.

Highly recommend.