A review by bookloverchelle
Collision Point: A Brute Force Novel by Lora Leigh


Amara has no memory of the last year but her dreams have lead her to Riordan. She may not remember him now but she knows he's the only person that can save her life. Riordan remembers every moment, every look, every touch he's shared with Amara. He had no idea she lost her memory and did not remember him but now that she's in his world again he's not going to let her go. Amara knows that finding her memories will help find who kidnapped her but a secret she buried deep may be too much for her to handle. Can the trust she's building with Riordan help her carry the demons she's ready to face? Or will the danger that is still hunting her cost them both an even higher price? Really enjoyable, sexy read. Even though it was the first in a new series there are still a number of callbacks to earlier books from Ms. Leigh. But they are all filled with action, suspense, and couples that you want to spend time with. Good read!