A review by leodhasach
A Shroud of Night and Tears by Lucas Bale


I was sent this as an ARC from the author in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.

I'm shying way from giving 5 Stars to books unless they really are exceptional, but this book is exactly that. You can tell that Lucas has poured a huge amount of energy into crafting this third instalment of his Beyond the Wall series.

Each book in the series has got progressively larger and more complex with twists and turns that keep the interest.... and at least one late night that led to me sleeping in and nearly missing work! The level of detail and thought that has gone into the plot is impressive and it's already one of the most original scifi series that I've ever read. Impressive when you consider this is already a genre that's fit to bursting. It's part political intrigue, part spy thriller, a wee bit Firefly-esque with a touch of the X Files thrown in.

I'm not going to go too far into the plot, I don't feel I could do it justice and I feel that this is a book you should read without the hint of any spoilers.

There are no predictable 'goodies' and 'baddies' here, the characters are flawed, a bit broken (mentally and physically!), they're conflicted and they feel very real.

This is space opera that is easily as good as anything by Peter Hamilton.