A review by katieurb
How to Kill a Guy in 10 Days by Kayla Perrin, Brenda Mott


I thought I would enjoy this one piece of chick lit because it's also a mystery, but this book's cheesiness way overpowered its mystery and suspense. To begin with, it wasn't well-written and the characters were all shallow and one-minded; I actually found myself hating all of them. The mystery wasn't very intriguing; despite the characters always going on about the danger of the situations in which they found themselves, I never felt like any of them were ever really at risk. And apparently, the authors of this book have been out of touch with society for a while. The two main characters had the most unrealistic conversations, and used cheesy phrases like "you're on," and "girlfriend" every other sentence. If this book had been well-written and more realistic, I might have actually liked it. Reading it wasn't completely unbearable, but I won't read any more books from either of these authors.