A review by ladynigelia
Uncanny Magazine Issue 15: March/April 2017 by Julia Rios, Michael Damian Thomas, Lynne M. Thomas, Michi Trota


This is an incredibly thought provoking novella. I certainly see why it was nominated for the Nebula Award. Beyond the "what ifs" of the multi-verse, it explores the who-am-I-really? questions and encourages us to think of what defines us. Which small decisions make a difference? Which big ones don't? It might allow some people to get beyond the decision paralysis if they decide to believe that no matter the decision, another branch will be allowed to live out the other choice.
In addition to the multi-verse setting, the descriptions and character building is striking. When everyone is the same person, how do you actually do character development? Sarah Pinkster manages it.

I definitely recommend delving into this Sarah-con.