A review by mickachoo
Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis


4 stars! I enjoyed this book, even though it took me a really long time to read by my standards.
I think that was just because I'm not really feeling this particular genre right now but I wanted to get it off my TBR list.

I saw where some people compared it to Cinder by Marissa Meyer and I did at first but, honestly, this is it's own story. Really the only similarity is truly just that the princesses are tech savvy and they're on different planets. And I'm not opposed to reading stories that are similar anyhow so it wasn't a problem for me.

I enjoyed Essie's character and her cute drones-Dimwit was the cutest thing. Essie was a very strong willed but incredibly human character. She starts off as this badass fighter but then she's shown up and she tries to remedy that by learning to fight better but she's really good with tech as well and she's somewhat clueless to some things but it's okay because perfect characters are boring.
Essie also deals with mental health issues due to things that happened to her in her past and I liked to see that weak human side of her. It was very real. She was never portrayed as being this super human princess who was going to take on the world. I liked how hectic she was.

While I am a romance lover, the romance was the least of my pleasure from this book. Dane was a goodie, a keeper, but the story was much more openly focused on Essie's fight with her inner demons and things going on on Windsong and I was entirely okay with that. The romance was nice but it felt kind of insincere with how swiftly it progressed even with the timeline and their time together. It just wasn't the best thing here.

This isn't the most exciting book or the most original, nor is it going to be listed a favorite, but it's a good book and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes Cinder or anything of this genre.