A review by meowdynic
To Be Perfectly Honest: A Novel Based on an Untrue Story by Sonya Sones


I love all of Sonya Sones' other books with all of my heart and have read them at least 15 times each. I had high expectations that I would fall in love with this too, so I suppose I was setting myself up for failure. I started it one day and had to put it down because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to handle reading a whole book where the narrator would say something, and take it back a few seconds later because it's annoying. The beginning of the story put me off, and it was hard for me to continue reading with such an unlikeable narrator. As the other characters were introduced, I didn't fall in love with any of them either, let alone like any of them. The boy was not swoon-worthy but rather an asshole, the brother was annoying as hell, and the mother was on-and-off about choosing to be responsible. I suppose the mother's boyfriend was the only likeable character in the book. It was very predictable for me where the story line was going for the most part. Not once was I shocked or blown away. The only good thing about the book is that it was over quick. I suggest that you don't waste an hour and a half of your life reading it if you're looking to read something like Sonya Sones' other books. You'll be left very disappointed.