A review by s_a_g_e
A Little White Shadow by Mary Ruefle


I get that art is subjective, but boy is this some of the worst art I have ever seen.

Conceited, vapid, banal, and ultimately asinine; Four adjectives I would use to describe this book.

I don't know if "erasure poetry" is really all that interesting to me to begin with, especially if you're not saying anything particularly funny or poignant (as is the case here), but even moreso I can't believe anyone would have the balls to actually get this crap published, and sell it for $15 (on Amazon as of 1/21/23). The "book" takes all of 2 minutes to read, and contains absolutely nothing profound. Nothing of substance. It's the literary equivalent of some cheap word art you pick up from the local Home Goods and hang on the wall.

Sure, it has words. It technically says something, in that the words themselves have meanings. But it is solely unremarkable and unmemorable. Like motel art, a microwave dinner, or elevator music. Bland. Boring. Wholly inoffensive and unimaginative.

I wish I could get back the time I took to read this book. It would have been better used reading the back of a shampoo bottle.