A review by wordsmithlynn
The Red Sphinx, or, The Comte de Moret: A Sequel to The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas


I adore Alexandre Dumas. I've read all the original musketeer stories, so I was really excited to hear about this book. I have to admit that it was a bit disappointing. Since it's billed as a Three Musketeers sequel, that really raises expectations of who the main characters are going to be. In fact, it's not really about the musketeers, it's more about Richelieu.

Still, there are a lot of great action sequences, impossible escapes, surprising twists and witty banter. So while it won't go down as a MAJOR addition to the Dumas canon, it's still an enjoyable read for devotees of one of France's greatest storytellers.

I received my copy of this book for free at Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.