A review by revisins
Bloodshot by Cherie Priest


The urban, horror, dark fantasy genre has become a bit waterlogged in the last few years. Whether it's Twi-hard fatigue or just the overall embrace of popular culture of any and all things angsty; it is difficult to craft a vampire story that actually does something entertaining with the tropes.

Cherie Priest has written a novel that could be labeled a vampire story for sure, but there are so few references to the vampiric that it transforms into a snarky noir. When you mix blind vampires, drag queens with a propensity for silver, spangly bikinis, and an increasingly self aware first person perspective--you end up with a romp of a story.

It's a story with attitude and wit. It borders on whimsical. I enjoyed this quite a bit--and will be waiting impatiently until July when then next book is due to be published.