A review by bookofcinz
The Schoolmaster by Earl Lovelace


I read "The SchoolMaster" while in high school, during that time I found the book a little tedious, mainly because I had to write long winded essays on themes, character development, plot, etc.

Re-reading this book as an adult and as an adult living in Trinidad and Tobago (which is where the book is set) really gave me a greater appreciation for the novel. The book is set in a remote village in Trinidad, time goes slowly, nothing ever changes. The village elders lobbied for a school to be built to help them and their children keep up with the changes happening around them. With the building of the school and the arrival of the Schoolmaster, the village of Kumaca is not prepared for what happens next.

If you are in the mood for vibrant characters, a love story, a story of hope and redemption, then this is the book for you. Reading this book really made me nostalgic and reminded me why I am such a big fan of Earl Lovelace writing.

A must read for me.