A review by trike
Motel Art Improvement Service by Jason Little


Not my usual form of graphic novel, but I've dipped into this sort of tale before, most notably with Ghost World.

I thoroughly enjoyed the quirkiness of the story as well as the clarity of the art. It seems more and more these days comic book creators feel the need to be all experimental and fancy with their page design. It's refreshing to see art that is unselfconscious. By rendering the story this way, Little makes the art unobtrusive, so it serves the story rather than hindering it.

As to the story itself, I picked this up on a whim and had no preconceived notions. I simply liked the title. I love the idea of the disaffected artist who improves the banal motel art we've all seen in every hotel. I didn't know this was a sequel of sorts, but I don't feel like I'm missing anything by not having read the first book, since this story is self-contained and the characters reveal themselves eventually.

Some of the specific plot points are left unresolved, but there's enough information for the reader to figure out what's going to happen next in the lives of the secondary characters. Quite enjoyable, and a nice break from the superheroes.