A review by elliefufu
Gun Games by Faye Kellerman

Gun Games by Faye Kellerman
Grade: DNF

I have never done a review on a book that I didn’t finish and am a little unsure of how to start. I was very excited to read Gun Games because it seemed like a different type of book from what I have been reading lately and I felt I needed to shake things up and expand my horizons. Unfortunately I had a very hard time connecting to the characters and the plot. I found myself at times thinking of my To-Do list or wondering if I should cook or get take out for dinner. When I read a book I like to get lost in it and go on a journey with the characters and I could never really connect with one character because of all of the different points of views going on. I felt that the characters all came off as the same person instead of a teenage boy or a grown police detective which I found highly annoying. I sadly could not finish this book and have no desire to try to do so in the future.