A review by hobbitfreddie
Sailor Moon, Vol. 1 by Naoko Takeuchi


Probably not the most well written or expertly crafted story (at least for the first volume) but for someone who just wants some magical girl junk food, or a young reader, or someone who is nostalgic for it then yeah it's pretty good.
Sometimes you just want junk food and to turn you brain off. I did very much enjoy the shenangins.
Also Usagi is very endearing main character. And the sailor scouts introduced so far are good enough characters, they all have distinct personalities, even though most the focus in on Usagi and the other sailors tend to kinda fade into the background after their debut chapter.
I think the manga is also an escapist vibe, just a bunch of school gals hanging out beating up bad guys in 90's Japan. I wish my middle school experience was this like this.
I really like the art it's very cute and I see why sailor moon is seen as such an aesthetic. Peak 90's shoujo.
Also wow this manga is very queer already, Usagi bi icon we love to see it.