A review by webz
House of Secrets by Ned Vizzini, Chris Columbus


I somehow accidentally deleted my last review so now I have to start ALL over! :'( Where do I begin?! Okay so this book is a middle grade read but it was SO good. The bad guys/villains were crazy wicked and horrible. I got a bit freaked out at the descriptions of what was happening at this one part (it was night and I was alone and reading in the dark! What can I say, it was horribly awesome!) I loved how the characters seemed real and how you can really bond with them. Stuff keeps happening that constantly keeps you turning pages! Can I go on about how evil and wicked the bad people were in this book! Ah! They were crazy horrible! A lot of the stuff made me think that the book should be considered YA....but that's why I read middle grade books! Sometimes I'll find a little gem like this one in the juvenile section in the library and I'm pleasantly surprised with how good the book is. And can I just express my horror at a characters death? I mean, they didn't stay dead but for the parts when the character wasn't there I was in shock! Just a bit of a character crush yah know? haha, here's the spoiler:
Spoiler Okay so one of the characters, Will gets a sword thrust through his back and then his body gets thrown into the sea! Now I could handle some of the other horrible things that happened, even the horrible death of this other character (that I happened to not really want in the story so I was fine with it lol) never seemed to really touch me! But this! My heart squeezed, and I was shocked, then sad, and then really mad at the author/authors! How could they kill Will! He was so...ARGH! But then he ended up living again (magic wish) and I literally pumped my fist in the air and said YEAH! So the author/authors are forgiven :D
This book really has everything! Pirates, band of bad men, a witch! It was awesome. And I could go on but I think you get the point. So....just read it okay? I promise you won't regret it!