A review by amysofta
Agony by Susan Kaye Quinn


Same review for part 2 & 3

Like I said in my review for part 1 this is a different type of story. Not just in the story being told, but also in the way it is being told. The first ‘season’ of this serial is complete, but there is expected to be several more according to the authors site. I think I might be in this for the long haul too. The story is compelling and quite frankly cheap. I just bought the next three parts in a combined down load and it was only $2.99. They are perfect reads for in between larger reads, or when you need something to break up a slog of genre reading. Also if you have a long wait at a doctor’s office and need something you can read in an hour or so, this could easily fill the bill.

The story has a futuristic/dystopian/sci-fi feel to it, but doesn’t bog down on technical info, so I think it could appeal to readers wanting to stick their toes into the sci-fi genre. The pace moves quickly and each serial ends with a cliffhanger that compels you to download the next installment right away. This is an interesting world Ms. Quinn has created and I hope you give this a shot.

Agony starts off two weeks after the first one left off and we get to learn more about the business of being a collector and see how things can go wrong. We also meet some new collectors in this story and see more examples of how dangerous and even deadly a job this can be.

Ecstacy picks up right where Agony leaves off and we get to see and learn about the sick children that Lirium is introduced to in books one. We also meet Madam A as we get to the bottom of what happen to Ophelia. Also got an introduction to the seedier side of collecting.