A review by bookslifeandeverythingnice
Unsportsmanlike Conduct: College Football and the Politics of Rape by Jessica Luther


Unsportsmanlike Conduct addresses so many critical issues within college football including sexual assault, rape culture, sexism, racism, money made for colleges by athletes, recruiting processes, students athletes, our culture in general, and the guidelines regarding reporting and punishment of offenders. There are obviously difficult issues being discusses, so this might be a book that takes time to read. The author uses the format of a playbook to address the topics. It's clever using the terms and formats that football fans are familiar with to bridge the gap between their beloved sports and the politics of sexual assault in college football. There were numerous cases over several decades in which police, prosecutors, universities, coaches, other students, and fans failed the women who were assaulted. A lot of people dropped the ball. Many people in positions of authority didn't protect, and in some cases hurt, the women. It was mainly about protecting the athletes, their status, the money to be made off of them, and the reputation of the university. The information discussed in this book is horrifying, but not surprising for someone even a little bit familiar with the epidemic of sexual violence in this country.