A review by thefox22
Gypsy by Trisha Leigh


*Full review can be found at Part of that World.

I got hooked on the idea of this book through the synopsis, and when a blog tour was organizing, I wanted to be part of it! Gypsy reminded me a lot of X-Men and I loved that. It was a great sci-fi/paranormal story with likable characters, strong friendships, and a smidge of normal among the unique.

Rating: 4 Stars!

I loved Gypsy's voice! She's a very endearing character who only wants some normalcy in her life amid the supernatural. Out of all the Cavies, she's the one who dreams most of a world outside the Darley Hall, a life not filled with constant testing and people who have abilities that range from mild to deadly. And Gypsy's ability is the most mild of all. It's pretty much nothing, and Gypsy has resented that fact her whole life. She doesn't feel like she truly belongs with the Cavies, and when the chance comes for her to experience normal, she grabs onto it with both hands and won't let go.

All of the Cavies are thrown into a chaotic world that they don't know how to navigate. But they still have each other; a bond was formed between all of them so long ago that life without each other seems impossible to comprehend. Gypsy struggles with this, and struggles with her secret feelings of happiness at being able to attend a normal school and have a relationship with her dad. Some of the other Cavies resent the ease with which she navigates this world that she doesn't know at all. But Gypsy won't let them ruin her newfound happiness, even if she loves them all dearly. The other Cavies are important people to her; more than friends, they're her family. And she'll have to constantly choose between them and this new life.

I loved the other Cavies! They each had their own unique personalities, combined with their extraordinary abilities. Mole was my favorite; a strong, silent, and intelligent guy who has been Gypsy's best friend since they were kids. I also loved Haint; the invisible girl who doesn't show vulnerability. The twins, Reaper, and even Pollyanna. I liked them all, and their relationships with each other were very complex. Their lives so intertwined through years of shared secrecy and close proximity. It's hard for them to separate from each other, and even harder when one of their own is in trouble.

Gypsy also meets characters at her new high school, but honestly, I didn't care for them much. I was more interested in the other Cavies. I also disliked the whole "love square" going on between Gypsy, Jude, Dane, and Mole (my personal choice). Gypsy didn't fall into insta-love with any of them, but there was a bit of drama, enough jealousy and male testosterone to make me think that the romance was being forced.

The book was very slow-paced, and in the beginning, I felt like I was forcing myself through it. But that quickly changed as the mysteries behind the Cavies, their guardians, and what happened to Flicker start to surface. The story-line is balanced with Gypsy's new life and amateur sleuthing to uncover all the secrets surrounding their births. Where the story-line went proved to be very interesting, and I can't wait to see where the sequel goes!

Gypsy was a unique take on supernatural abilities and the secrecy behind government dealings. I loved the Cavies, and I want more of them! :)