A review by heyitsyii
House Of Lies: How Management Consultants Steal Your Watch and Then Tell You the Time by Martin Kihn


PSA - this book has very little in common with the TV series, besides the "management consulting" bit, so don't bother if that's what you're looking for.

Yes, management consultants have a bad rap, perhaps deserved (maybe perhaps not). But the thing is, companies that hire these types of consultants (i.e., from the big three or so consulting companies) are largely those who can more than afford to throw away millions of dollars. (especially because they squirrel away their money overseas, and don't pay taxes?) And so they do, maybe to fix certain parts of their businesses or gain some type of efficiency somewhere... but also to "validate" the personal agenda of whomever solicited these services, no matter how indefensible the agenda is, business-wise. So yeah, MCs steal your watch and then tell you the time, but sometimes you give/gift them your watch for them to tell you the time.

I'm not a super fan of management consultants myself, but I feel like Kihn "humanized" these employees a bit.