A review by krish_
The Native Star by M.K. Hobson


So steampunk, huh?

I've heard there are better examples of the sub-genre than MK Hobson's The Native Star but as its my first time venturing into the unknown, I suppose its better I am gently eased into it, rather than thrown right in. The idea of steampunk never really interested me. I think I developed quite an aversion to it actually. I like old school magic, and the concept of merging that with innovative gadgetry was just a turn off.

But I liked it, relatively speaking. The plot is straight forward enough. The details within this plot, however, is confusing. There are a lot of information; many technical terms wrapped up in those typically convoluted scientific diction that I gave up halfway through trying to smooth it all out in my head. The trouble is that the actual content didn't attract me as much as the characters did. Meaning I didn't really care where the heck the book was going as long as Emily and Stanton were there (which isn't really a good sign, is it?). Speaking of Emily and Stanton, they are hilarious and were the reason I kept reading. Stanton's manly pats on the back to maneuver out of intimate moments consequently pacifying any sexual energy sizzling between the two is laugh out loud funny. He is so awkward you can't help but like him little by little despite his overt obnoxiousness. Emily surprisingly shined just a tad dimmer but I admire her guts and outspoken temperament. It got a little melodramatic near the end
Spoilerespecially with the marriage proposal, like woah, hasn't it been only a couple of months?
but hey.

The writing, though, is excellent. This is quite an undertaking for a debut novel, in my opinion, and Hobson does an impressive job. But then again, I'm a virgin of this genre so my opinion is nil and void. But still a thumbs up from this steampunk newbie. Good read for anyone who wants to have an adventure.

I don't usually do this but I want to make it clear: 3.5