A review by octavia_cade
The Asimov Chronicles: Fifty Years of Isaac Asimov, Volume Two by Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg


There are six stories collected in this volume, and at least half of them are excellent. Two others are genuinely interesting, and I was indifferent to only one of them. (Even now, just having finished the book, I can't recollect even the tiniest thing about "No Connection", which if nothing else seems adequately named.) Of the excellent stories, two are Susan Calvin tales from Asimov's Robot series. I've a slight preference for "Evidence" over "Little Lost Robot", but I've read these two a number of times over the years and continue to enjoy them both. The standout, though, is "Breeds There A Man?" which has also held my attention over multiple reads, and is a take on the aliens-are-experimenting-on-us trope. Not a trope that I usually warm to, but its exploration here is so clever that the story is one I find hugely memorable.