A review by thepaperreels
Exile by Kevin Emerson

Did not finish book.

DNF AT 59%

Sorry, can't take it anymore. So I just dropped it then skimmed the rest.

Exile started really great for me. Summer, the MC, was a a little bit over dramatic and demanding. But she manages bands! That's why her attitude is yeah, reasonable. I love how descriptive this book is. You really get inside Summers' life.. But you know what ruined this for me?

The Romance. The non sense relationship of Caleb and Summer. I don't even know why these two are together. But you know what, I tried to ignore that because the mystery really caught my attention. It's really interesting.. Imagine solving the death of a rockstar legend.

Then this girl came. Val. Part of me is thankful that she showed up because it helps the readers realize how crap of a boyfriend Caleb is. The other part is just plain annoyed. But whoah! There's a twist! And I did not see that coming! You see, it's part of the mystery. There's a reason why this annoying Val showed up after all. But when I found out, it's too late already. My annoyance can't be erased any more and Caleb is still a jerk to me.

Caleb's like a robot guys. Seriously, Summer liking him doesn't make sense.

Anyway, this was disappointing. The Music references and the mystery pulled me in a little but the under developed romance ruined it for me.