A review by marlan
Gears of the City by Felix Gilman

I gave up after 55 pages. It has an evocative title and and the author knows how to turn a phrase, but the main character is a blank slate who is difficult to care about: no memory, no family, no friends, and no motivation. He simply runs from various dangers, meets random people, and wallows in his problems.

Granted, I didn't read the first book in this series. Perhaps those who did will enjoy this more. Personally, as a SF fan, I get tired of never being able to pick up a book that interests me because it's book 3 of 7 or some such. I've decided to rebel by treating all books as stand-alones. Apparently, my rebellion was ill-advised.

I gave it two stars for the beautiful writing style, but unfortunately I can't enjoy a book for style alone.