A review by esmewasreading
Loyally, Luke by Pepper Basham


The book would appeal to the ones who love hallmark movies for sure. While I did like the characters, I wasn't a fan of the writing. It felt like the book wanted to over explain the plot while also having every single trope in the romance genre crammed into one book. I disliked the text conversations between Luke's sister. I just couldn't care about the romance (the ending was sweet I will admit) or the plot. It was just too similar to things I've already read/watched. It makes me sad since it sounded like a book I would have enjoyed a lot but it didn't hit the mark. This is the 3rd book in a series, while you don't have to read book 1 & 2 before this I would recommend it since it would help get the character context and prevent spoilers. 

I did really like the narrators, they did a great job with the book. It did help differentiate all the characters.  

thank you Netgalley and the publishers for a copy of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review!