A review by unladylike
Green Arrow, Vol. 1: The Death and Life of Oliver Queen by Benjamin Percy


Green Arrow is a fascinating paradox and an anachronism in the world of superhero comics. He's an ultra-wealthy hetero cis white male who hasn't had to work a day in his life, but circumstances led him to fight injustice in Seattle with a bow and trick arrows. That alone is nothing special, but in the '70s, Neal Adams took him in a very different direction content-wise. He's had an HIV-positive sex worker and recovering heroine addict as a partner and possibly as a lover, for example. He's cocky and prone to cracking jokes while the world is crumbling on top of him.

Benjamin Percy starts off GA's series in the Rebirth era with the perfect tone and amount of introductory exposition. And the art in most of the issues is gorgeous!