A review by eddief419
Kaijumax Season One: Terror and Respect by Zander Cannon


I didn’t really know anything about this book when I picked it up. I had just heard good things and wanted to check out a cool Kaiju book. Everything around the book, be it artwork or cover copy, makes it feel like a giant monster fighting book. After the first chapter, it dawned on me what this book really was, under the ranger team esthetics and power of heart message: this is a prison drama. I was not expecting to read a prison drama and don’t really seek them out, but “prison drama but kaiju” is a hell of a twist and kept me hooked. They hit upon all of the different prison drama troupes with a giant monster twist (and by all of them, I do mean ALL of them, so make sure you take care of yourself). The takes of the monster designs and how they divided up was interesting, but it’s the take on the guards that really stood out to me. They don’t see the monsters as humans with rights and have no problem throwing children into Kaijumax (btw it didn’t dawn on me until later that the title is a pun). This is a hardcore prison drama with bright colors, cartoon monsters, and is one of the most specific things I’ve read in a while.