A review by litwithleigh
The Favor by Nicci French


Thank you William Morrow and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. IYKYK, my reviews are always honest.

Writing: 5/5 | Plot: 3/5 | Ending: 4/5


Jude hasn't seen Liam in years, not since he took the fall for a drunk driving incident that could've ended her career prospects. When he pops back up asking for a favour, Jude has to say yes. But it will be a choice she regrets after Liam is found murdered and Jude becomes a suspect.


I always seem to have an unpopular opinion, but this time it's because I seemed to enjoy the book more than the other reviewers.

This is my first Nicci French book, and I'm excited to read more. I loved the writing. A perfect example of less is more. The result: spooky af, poignant, rhythmic. The writing was akin to Iain Reid, who evokes emotions with limited, fragmented prose. The storytelling was also giving me major Sharon Bolton vibes, but without the thriller aspect.

I can understand why many people won't like this. The plot was basically non-existent, and the thrills were more like a small side of ketchup to the main dish—which was a character-driven story. You may ask yourself why TF would Jude do such a suspicious favour, but you'll learn that Jude is just a shell of a person. She followed the path lain out for her entire life. She doesn't have a strong identity. Then she enters Liam's adult world, his weird ass house that reminds me of a circus, with unsavoury, sexually aggressive, lost people, and develops her first singular opinion.

The life lesson Jude learned is sad. We've all been there. We wear rose-tinted nostalgia glasses and then realize the prince is actually an ogre.

I don't expect this to be a very popular read because it's marketed as a thriller, when it isn't. Like Good Husbands by Cate Ray, readers may be disappointed by the "false advertisement" of sorts. I enjoy a character-driven story, so having to 'adapt" to the content wasn't a negative for me. An enjoyable yet melancholy, poignant tale.


PROS: beautifully written with unique, fragmented prose, loved the strange caste of characters, strong exploration of memories vs reality

CONS: advertised as a thriller, but the thrills are very light...