A review by uosdwisrdewoh
House of M: World of M, Featuring Wolverine by Daniel Way


A grab bag of tie-ins to 2005's House of M crossover, with more misses than hits.

This book collects six issues, all filling in the details around the edges of the larger House of M storyline. The Wolverine and Black Panther stories which take up the bulk of this book are unsatisfying misfires, with plots that are boring and mystifying, respectively. The only reason to pick up the book are the last two chapters. Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Lark paint an oddly affecting story of a dead man suddenly returned to life through the larger machinations of the storyline, grappling to come to terms with the fact that if this alternate reality is righted, he'll be dead again. Finally, Ed Brubaker and Lee Weeks paint a quick portrait of Captain America, aging war hero, looking back wistfully at a life that succeeded beyond his dreams, only to watch the whole world go crazy as he loses his place in it. These two stories are best found individually in digital form, though, and even then are of pretty niche interest.