A review by jen286
My Butterfly by Laura Miller


I was originally going to read this book first, then try Butterfly Weeds but I thought no, I will read them in order they came out. Well I hated Butterfly Weeds. I hated Julia in it, I didn't get the connection between the two, the way it was written was horrible, everything about it really I disliked. So since I already had this book I told myself I would try the first chapter and if it is written the same way and just as bad I just won't read it. This book was so much better! The writing style is way better, I kept double checking it was the same author because it was so different. You actually get a story, instead of just random snippets of time. Like when they first kiss - in Butterfly Weeds I was just confused as to where they were, what they were doing, when it was, etc. This one you get all the background and everything that happened leading up to it. Great. So I actually cared about the characters, could understand Will's love for her and what he was going through and felt so bad for him.I still didn't like Julia that much, but without having her side right there I liked her a lot more. I just cannot get over how much better this book was. It was great. And even though I knew what would happen eventually, I still was rooting for something sooner. Something to change so Will didn't have to be so sad for so long.