A review by blodeuedd
Kiss of the Goblin Prince by Shona Husk


I liked book 1 because it was a bit different, a goblin hero..and they ain't pretty, I'll tell you that. But in this book the curse is broken and we have a new hero, Dai. He may be human again but life is not easy.

Oh Dai, I wanted his story already in book 1 and here I got it. He is all things I want my hero to be, that's right, tortured and hurting. He feels that he can't let go of his horrid past and all the things done to him. He is suffering and he is just the kind of man you want to hug and tell that everything will be ok. Because he is also loyal, kind and good with kids. He is not that alpha when I think about it, he always shadowed his brother. He is the magician, the scholar, the beta, and I really liked that.

The story is a lot about he trying to come to terms with things, being human, the magic he can now use, and falling for a woman, Amanda.The lovestory is not rushed at all, another thing I liked as you do not need to jump in bed at once. Like I said, he has suffered and Amanda is a widow. They dance around each other for a while and think about if they want to pursue this. Yes, things should take time.

We also meet the hero of book 3 briefly in this book and I do want his story too, especially if the book is as good as this one was. At times I could not put it down because I felt for Dai and there are things going on too, that I cannot mention. All making it exciting at times.

Who knew a former Goblin could be a hottie?! I liked the book and the series should keep on getting better and better.