A review by dukeml29
The Best Laid Plans by Cameron Lund


Was this book fun? Yes. Did I read it in one day? Yes. Was it good? ...

I liked these characters a lot, and the relationship between Keely and Andrew was fun to see play out. They had good chemistry and I appreciated that there was plenty of build-up between them. However. There was ~so much~ internalized misogyny. It was clear that the author was trying to be like “this is bad! the way these boys talk about girls and sex is bad!” but there were never any consequences for the people that said these awful things. I just wanted the main character to speak out once when she heard/saw these things happening. She always thought about it in her head, but people don’t learn that what they’re saying is wrong unless you speak. up.

Also, Dean was awful. So many red flags. And none of them were addressed.

Overall, liked the story. Just found it hard to get past some of the disgusting behaviors exhibited by the characters.