A review by jennystout21
Breathing Under Water by Richard Rohr


There are some truly mind-blowing ideas in this slim volume; namely, the addiction of any sort is a search for love and intimacy in all the wrong places and that when our true needs are met, we can heal from addiction. And Rohr takes great pains to point out that alcohol and drugs are only one kind of addiction--a more visible kind--and that most people are addicted to false beliefs about ourselves and others.

Rohr also points out that those who have survived addiction are in a unique position to help others heal. Indeed, he believes that suffering teaches us to love. I can understand this, as I feel my empathy muscle grow whenever I go through a difficult period...and my desire to help others through similar difficulties intensifies.

This was a great book to start the year off with, and I'm looking forward to reading more of Richard Rohr's writing.